Well Over 40 Exercise Studio is here!

Our exercise studio, Well Over 40,  is finally up and running!

Why have we started well over 40?

Quite selfishly we wanted somewhere safe and more suitable to exercise which offered exercise programs for people our own age, and would give us the tools to achieve and maintain a quality and active lifestyle.   As the name suggests, the exercise studio and our programs are specifically designed for those over 40, or those who want to be well when they get to 40, but who aren’t comfortable in a traditional setting.  Our studio is not about losing weight or fitting into clothes, although these might be welcome side-benefits.  Our focus is your function – that is, movements that improve your safety, increase your confidence in your body and improve the way you live your life.

Staffed by university trained health professionals

The studio is powered by Fizzio for Life’s amazing Exercise Physiology team, Josh, Kerryn and Suneeta.  This means that you will be 100% supervised by an experienced,  university trained health professional who has extensive knowledge of how movement helps a host of illnesses and injuries.  They are uniquely qualified to help you choose the life you want to life.

Well Over 40 Exercise Studio

New classes designed with the over 40s in mind

We have designed a whole new range of classes and group options that revolve around the functional movements we require to do the tasks we love.  For example, our Travel Well small group class is designed specifically for grey nomads, or people who are planning long overseas trips.  You will mimic the movements that you would need to do hitching up vans, walking on uneven ground, lifting suitcases, and prepare your backs and other bits for long plane trips.  By increasing your strength and agility with this class, you will increase your stamina and energy, and minimise the risk of injuries.  Plus you will be moving and forming bonds with a community of likeminded people.

Our other new exercise groups include HIIT Well – interval training for over 40s and Balance Well for those needing extra help to prevent falls, Empower Hour for women only, and, soon to come, our Manpower Hour.

We also have a new Family and Friends time – You can design your own group of up to four participants for either a 30 minute, 45 minute or 60 minute individualised session.

New Facebook site, timetable and class pages.

More information about the classes is available our new Well Over 40 Facebook page.  Like our page and request to join the Well Over 40 community group where you will be the first to hear about special offers, new classes etc.

If you are wanting to join a small group class we will need to see you individually for an assessment and so we can give you an appropriate and individualised program.  If it is a large group class that you are interested in, you don’t need to have the individual consultation unless you have some health issues that we need to be aware of.

Affordable packages with new ways to pay

Class are available for purchase in either 6, 12 or 24 class packs.  Prepaid casual passes are also available if there are spots in the class you want to attend.  You can use zipPay to purchase your passes and pay them off over time.  You may be eligible for a rebate if you are covered for Exercise Physiology under your private health fund.  Individual sessions (30 minute only) may be bulk billed under Medicare with an appropriate referral from your GP.

You can read more about the classes that we have available on our exercise class page.

Book now!

If you want to get started in our small group classes you can book an individual consultation with one of our exercise physiologists by clicking here or emailing us using the form below. We recommend a 45 minute initial consultation which will also give you time to discuss your medical history and goals, do your assessment, have some supervised exercises in our studio, be given a personalised program using the Physitrack on your mobile phone, and also trial pass for any of our classes.  If you have Team Care Arrangement from your GP and book a private 45 minute class you will get a rebate of $52.95 back from Medicare if you have visits available under your plan.

Call our office on 38053223.

We can’t wait to help you live your best life!