Men’s Health Week 2018

It’s Men’s Health week this week. Here are some shocking stats for you:

  • ‘More males have accidents, die at every life stage and suffer from lifestyle-related health conditions than females of the same age.’ Anita Hobson ESSA
  • The rate of suicide and depression for men is more than three times that for women
  • Men are statistically more likely to suffer from back pain than women
  • Men are less likely to ask for help

Men, it’s time to stop putting your health in the too hard basket!  A lot of men in our age bracket suffer from multiple health issues.  The good news is that increased pain you may be feeling, the decline in strength, and the feeling that life is a struggle don’t have to be your ‘new normal’.  No matter what time of life you are at, there is potential to change your health in real and meaningful ways that can make a difference to your quality of life, your mental health, and your relationships.

If you are a man, reading this post, I want you to know that your wives, partners and families need you to be there for them. I want you to know that it’s not too hard to start somewhere with the right help. You need to take some time to have a conversation with someone you trust about what you can do to feel better. Whether that is your GP, a supportive friend, or another health professional.  If you are a wife or partner, daughter or son, have a conversation with the men in your life this week.  Ask them how they are doing.  Ask them how they are feeling. Take them out for a walk, encourage them to be active.

Scientific evidence is overwhelming that exercise is beneficial for a whole raft of men’s health issues.  Yet, stats show only 2 out of every 5 men get enough exercise to help ward off depression, disease and illness.  Why don’t you get started this week?  Or even next week?


Men, here’s our offer from Well Over 40 to you.  From now until next Friday 22nd June 2018, I invite you to come and talk to our exercise physiologists  about how you can get started with exercise in a safe environment with health professionals, with age and condition appropriate exercise, and with like-minded men.  This will be at no cost to you if you mention this Men’s Health promotion.  In addition to your consultation at Well Over 40, you will be given a free trial class to one of our classes e.g. Strength and Conditioning, Man-power Hour, or HIIT class (or whichever class your EP thinks is the best fit for you).  Or you can bring along up to 3 friends and make your own Man-Power hour.  The choice is yours.  The important thing is that you take some action, gather some information and just give change a try.

You can make an appointment by calling our office on 38053223, by choosing to book online an ‘INITIAL EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY 30 MINUTE’ appointment through our website – use the Well Over 40 booking button, or fill out the form below if you have any questions.

Conditions:  30 minute appointments only.  Proof of Logan residency must be provided.  Available only at Waterford West.  Valid for one consult and one trial class only.  Class needs to be taken in June 2018.


Reproductive and Sexual Issues: Andrology Australia

Prostate Health and Cancer: Australian Prostate Cancer Organisation

Help with Depression:  Beyond Blue

Free Lifestyle Modification Program: My Health for Life

Community Building:  Mens Sheds Australia