Men’s Health – Checklist through the decades

Men… Do you know there are different health issues that require check ups at different stages of your life?

You’ve probably heard the advice “Eat healthy, drink plenty of water and stay active” a million times over, but it’s important you’re aware of what to look out for as you age.

There are regular check ups men need to get throughout each decade of their life which include: 

Check- up checklist (20-70+ years): 

  • Skin check 
  • Testicular cancer check
  • Dental check up 
  • Eye health test 
  • Vaccinations as advised by your doctor
  • Sexual health check (STI’s)
  • Regular blood pressure and cholesterol check

Below we discuss what exactly you should be focusing on during each stage of your life and tips to stay the happiest, healthiest version of you ! 

Health in your 20’s

For many men, their 20’s can be a decade of erratic eating, drinking and partying all while feeling somewhat bulletproof…you only live once right? Which is exactly why it’s important for young men to develop healthy eating habits and live an active lifestyle, because what happens in your 20’s will affect you in you 50’s and beyond.

Watch your alcohol intake! Excessive consumption of alcohol can be harmful to the body and can cause damage to the liver, brain and heart, as well increase the risk of conditions such as anxiety and depression. It’s important to monitor how much you’re drinking and follow the alcohol guidelines of no more than 10 standard drinks a week and no more than 4 standard drinks on any one day.

Although you may want that perfect summer tan, prolonged time in the sun early in life can cause health issues later in life such as skin cancer. By slip, slop, slapping that sunscreen on, wearing sunglasses and a hat, you’ll be sure to have healthy, good looking skin later on in life.

The checklist above shows the important things to check if you are in your 20s.

Health in your 30’s

Many men in their mid 30’s are working long hours, raising a family or paying off a mortgage, and sometimes their healthy habits can fall by the wayside. Although you may feel fit and healthy, getting a regular health check up can help uncover any hidden health problems that you may be unaware of.

Juggling a work life balance can be challenging and take a toll on your physical and mental health, leaving you feeling burnt out. Practicing activities such as mindfulness or meditation are recommended and have been proven to help calm the mind and help manage stress- even if this is in the form of playing golf on the weekend or watching a movie

Taking time out to rest and relax is essential, however you need to avoid falling into a sedentary lifestyle. By staying active and watching what you eat you can make sure those unwanted kilograms don’t creep up and surprise you!

In addition to the checklist above, you should:

  • Check your weight regularly to ensure you’re within a healthy range.

Health in your 40’s

Throughout your 40’s, things might start to feel a bit harder than they did when you were younger, and you may find your physique is looking more “dad bod” than incredible hulk, but overall nothing should stop you from feeling fantastic during this decade.

If you find joint pain or stiffness is starting to slow you down, staying active is important to keep your muscles and bones healthy and strong, as the old saying goes, “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it!” 

Once you’re over 40, a prostate exam should be included in your annual check up as the risk of getting it increases as you age. It’s also good to remind any of your male friends or family members who are over 40 to get checked! 

If you haven’t had your skin checked before, now is the time as men over 40 are one and a half times more likely to develop melanoma than women.

You can continue enjoying all foods… but in moderation! Your ability to lose weight may not be as easy as it was when you were younger, so a well balanced diet including plenty of water can help your overall health (and waistline).

If you are smoking, it’s never too late to quit! Quitting smoking at any age has a plethora of short term and long term health benefits that can help you live a longer life.

In addition to the checklist above, you should:

  • Have regular prostate exams 
  • Have regular blood tests for kidney and liver function and iron levels

Health in your 50’s

Your 50’s is a perfect time to slow down and review both your mental and physical health to ensure you can continue life feeling happy and healthy!

Unfortunately after the age of 50 your health risks increase, so it’s important you find a GP you are comfortable with to discuss your health concerns.

Often men’s physical strength, energy and libido tend to decline during their 50’s, but exercising for at least 30 mins a day can help prevent this occurring. Consider changing up your routine to include joint friendly activities such as swimming or bike riding if you’re wanting to try something new!

Screening for bowel cancer is recommended and if eligible, you will receive a free bowel screening test kit in the mail from the Australian Government every 2 years between the ages of 50-74 which can detect early bowel cancer.

In addition to the checklist above, you should:

  • Have regular prostate exams
  • Have regular blood tests for kidney and liver function and iron levels
  • Bowel cancer screening- every 2 years

Health in your 60’s

Life changes in your 60’s, and as retirement edges closer, you may find yourself wondering what to do in your free time. This may be exciting for some but also daunting for others who are used to a jam packed schedule. One thing you can control is your health, which ultimately determines how you will live the rest of your life.

Staying active, both physically and mentally, is one of the most important things you can do for your health at this age. Just thirty minutes of movement a day can help keep your body healthy and this can be as simple as playing with the grandkids or going for a walk. Senior exercise classes are an excellent way to increase your strength, flexibility and balance and you may even meet new friends! Engaging yourself in crosswords or puzzles, reading, learning new skills and socialising can help fight off diseases like dementia and Alzheimers. 

In addition to the checklist above, you should:

  • Have regular prostate exams
  • Have regular blood glucose checks (diabetes)
  • Have regular blood tests for kidney and liver function and iron levels
  • Bowel cancer screening- every 2 years
  • Have scans for bone mineral density and osteoporosis

Health in your 70’s and beyond

Just because you’re in your 70’s doesn’t mean it’s too late to improve your health! If you want to continue doing the things you enjoy, staying on top of your health is key. You should keep in regular touch with your doctor to discuss any changes in your body or concerns you may have- remember they are there to help you!

During this decade of life, the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, mental illness and falls increase for many men, and it can be challenging dealing with increased frailty, mental decline and the loss of friends and family. Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone or contact your doctor if you’re struggling with your mental well-being.

Staying active, having fun and being social are key factors to maintaining physical and mental health. Volunteering or joining your local seniors or RSL clubs are great opportunities to get out and about and make new friends.

Keeping your home safe by removing trip hazards, loose rugs, sharp edges and improving lighting and adding safety bars in the bathrooms can also help reduce the risk of falls and help with your independence!

In addition to the checklist above, you should:

  • Have regular prostate exams
  • Have regular blood glucose checks (diabetes)
  • Have regular blood tests for kidney and liver function and iron levels
  • Bowel cancer screening- every 2 years
  • Have scans for bone mineral density and osteoporosis

National Health and Medical Research Council. (2020). Alcohol. Australian Government. Retrieved from Queensland Health. (2019). Men: your health through the ages. Queensland Government. Retrieved from

Get the Right Support

The checklists alone aren’t enough to keep you ship shape – make sure you gain the right support. Regular visits to your GP are a must. See an Accredited Exercise Physiologist: Whether you’re currently inactive, at risk of, or have been diagnosed with a chronic disease, exercise can help. But it’s important to get the right advice. Accredited Exercise Physiologists are specially trained and can help you to exercise safely. We would love to guide you through the correct exercise and help you have the best chance of staying healthy throughout the decades.