What is exercise physiology?

Exercise physiology involves the study of the body’s responses to physical activity, particularly relating to injury and chronic disease.

Helping our patients rehabilitate from illness or injury and relieve pain, we develop exercise interventions for people who are suffering from a chronic health condition, require rehabilitation, are in pain or need help with functional movement. These exercise interventions are designed to reduce or reverse disease progression, as well as injuries.

Our exercise physiologists are accredited, university-qualified allied health professionals who are dedicated to providing safe exercise and movement programs to our patients. Trusted by our local GPs, our exercise physiologists work closely with our physiotherapists to provide a multi-disciplinary approach. This ensures you achieve the best possible outcome.

Why do we need to exercise and why do we often try and avoid it?

Exercise is essential for our well-being and invaluable for our mental health.  Despite this fact, many people fear or dislike exercise. We get it – the thought of exercise can automatically conjure up ideas of harsh, military-style training, discomfort, pain and stress.

But, what if we told you that our exercise physiologists design programs that are tailored for you. This might be as simple as standing up unsupported from a sitting position or a gentle walk.

Focused on improving your quality of life, our exercise physiologists are warm, caring and attentive. No matter how old you are or your level of fitness, our team of experts will find the right exercise for you.

What are the benefits of exercise physiology?

The scope of exercise physiology is quite broad and the benefits are substantial. 

Preventative care

Helping to prevent injuries and risk of falls, improve sporting performance and facilitate appropriate exercise during pregnancy, we can tailor a safe strengthening and conditioning program just for you.


Guiding and supporting you through your rehabilitation, we help you regain strength after an injury, operation or illness. 

Treatment of chronic conditions

Exercise physiology assists with the treatment and management of a range of conditions, including:

  • Musculoskeletal, metabolic, cardiac, pulmonary and neuromuscular function
  • Cancer 
  • Women’s health issues
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Posture and muscle control
  • Depression
  • Obesity
  • Gastric banding recovery

What to expect at your first consultation

At your initial consultation your exercise physiologist will complete a thorough assessment of your condition and exercise tolerance.  

Our discovery chat

We discuss any exercise programs you’ve previously undertaken and their results.

We talk about your lifestyle, where you’d like to make changes, and what your future goals are.

We take a range of physical measurements, including blood pressure, oxygen uptake, height and weight.

We may ask you to perform a few simple physical tests, so we can compare results as your program progresses.

We develop a personalised program

Bringing together the findings from our discovery chat with the results from your tests, we develop and agree on the right exercise plan for you. Providing you with the exercises, we encourage you to do these independently until your next review – as you will see the most benefit from regular activity.

As part of your program, we may also refer you to meet with one of our physiotherapists, participate in clinical Pilates, attend one of our small group exercise classes or join us for a hydrotherapy session.

Taking a holistic approach, we develop your program and modify it as your tolerance increases, ensuring that you’re fully supported (and motivated) throughout your journey to optimum health.

How you can expect to feel after your first visit

Our aim is for you to feel empowered, educated and supported after your first consultation with our exercise physiologists. While you may experience slight muscle soreness once you begin your program, this should be short-lived and not significant enough to interrupt your day.

Within a short time, you’ll begin reaching some of your agreed goals. Yes, success! You may notice that you can walk a bit further than before. Maybe you’ll have more energy. You’ll feel stronger and less prone to injury. You’ll fully understand your condition and the invaluable benefits of correct exercise. You’ll notice a big difference in how you manage your day-to-day activities and this will motivate you to continue on your path of well-being.

Most of all,  you’ll be amazed at how you can transform the way you feel, with just a few simple and natural changes.

Case Study: Fizzio For Life invite local GP’s to participate in a 6-week exercise program

Our exercise physiology team invited four GPs from Waterford Medical Centre to participate in weekly strength and conditioning sessions. The objectives of the sessions were to highlight the effectiveness of exercise physiology in managing chronic disease. Watch our video below to discover the outcome.

How to access our services

To make an appointment for your physiotherapy session, you can either call our team Tel: 07 3805 3223 or book online. You do not need a referral from your GP.

For detailed information on how to best access our services, click HERE

Like to learn more about how we can tailor an easy-to-follow exercise program that’ll improve your quality of life?

Useful Resources

Diabetes Qld

The peak body for people living with diabetes, Diabetes Qld provides educational programs and services, support, advice and advocacy, enabling the diabetes community to lead happy and healthy lives.

Department of Health 

The Australian Government Department of Health is an invaluable resource for health, ageing and sports information.

Exercise Right

Exercise Right is a public awareness campaign powered by Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA). Their goal is to help Aussies live more active lives and understand where to get the “right” advice for their individual needs (regardless of age or health status!)